CECC 2024-25 TNPSC,SSC,RRB,IBPS Coaching Online Registration Notification
Posted on 4 months agoCECC 2024-25 TNPSC,SSC,RRB,IBPS Coaching Online Registration Notification
General Information before fill in Online Application form:
1. Candidates should keep ready their scanned recent Colour passport size photograph (JPG/ JPEG/ PNG format of size 200 KB) and Signature ( JPG/ JEPG/ PNG format of size 200 KB ) separate. The candidates will have to upload their photo image and signature while applying online. The online application uploaded without the candidate’s photograph and candidate’s signature will be summarily rejected. No correspondence in this regard will be entertained.
2. A valid E-mail id and WhatsApp Mobile Number of candidates are mandatory for Registration .
3. Preference of study Centre may be change before submit the application.
4. Incomplete or defective applications shall be summarily rejected . No Representation or correspondence regarding such rejection shall be entertained under any circumstances.
5. Last Date for Submission of Filled-in Application Forms:
The last date for submission of filled-in Application Forms through online should be made on or before 24-09-2024 at 11.59 pm. After that the online link will be disabled. Incomplete application will be rejected.
6. At the time of certificate verification. All original certificates in support of community, Nativity, Aadhaar, Transfer Certificate, SSLC, HSC, highest education qualification etc., will be verified and incase of any discrepancy between the original certificates and the information provided in the online application by the candidates, their admission shall not be considered and debarred from Admission.
7. Incomplete applications and applications containing false claims or incorrect particulars relating to category of reservation, basic qualifications and other eligibility criteria will be liable for rejection.
8. No TA / DA will be paid for attending Certificate Verification and attending coaching classes.
9. While filing online Application first Sign Up and then Login.
10. In case of any difficulty in filing online please contact
E-mail Id : ceccchennai@gmail.com, ceccpresidency@gmail.com
contact Numbers : +91 44 2851 0537 , +91 44 2595 4905 (10 am to 7 pm)